
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Episode 362: Crossplatforming
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Things are starting to get interesting in the videogame industry, as Microsoft is starting to make Live available on other platforms, including the Switch. TJ on the other hand is getting more and more into Apex Legends. This week's news includes:
Paradox Introduces multiplatform modding on Xbox One and PC
Red Dead Online gets competitive fishing, gold armor gunfight in next update
The developer of Furi is making a co-op RPG
Rocket League gets cross-platform parties
There's Listener Feedback as well.

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Episode 361: Back From Disaster
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Jonah's desktop PC finally died completely from irretrievable hardware failure, and this episode was recorded clumsily on his cellphone. Meanwhile, TJ has been enjoying Apex Legends enormously, and gives it a rave review. Otherwise, this week's news includes:
Activision-Blizzard lays off 800 employees
World War Z gets an April release date
Dragon Quest Builders 2 comes to Switch, PS4 this summer
Chucklefish boss says Sony is responsible for lack of PS4 crossplay
The Question of the Week is "Which game would you love to see remade?"

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Episode 360: Technical Issues
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
This week's episode has minor audio issues, but otherwise is okay. Most of the talk is about the Resident Evil 2 remake, and how it's taken over the world. The crew also discuss the latest Gathering Storm civ, Phoenicia. The news of the week includes:
Capcom shipped 3 million units of Resident Evil 2
Valve calls exclusive Metro Exodus deal with Epic "unfair" to Steam customers
American McGee confirmed to be working on Alice 3 story, art and design
Fallout 76 Survival Mode - PVP Beta starting in March
Let us know what kind of game you want to see remade.

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Episode 359: New York State of Mind
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
This week's episode of Gaming Podcast features the first news of 2019 for the podcast, and there's some juicy items to discuss. There's no Gaming Flashback, but there is more discussion of the latest Civilization VI: Gathering Storm civs to be discussed.
The news includes:
"Exciting Halo: The Master Chief Collection news" teased for SXSW 2019
EA cancels open-world Star Wars game
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is getting turn-based combat later this week
Let us know what you think.

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Episode 358: Best Games of 2018 - A Rambling Recap
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
This week's episode has no news, despite the beginning of 2019 having some earth-shattering news items, which will be discussed next week, probably.
Instead, Jonah, TJ and Scott talk about their favorite games of 2018. Let us know which game was your favorite last year.

Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Episode 357: Goodbye, 2018!
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
This is the last podcast of 2018, and the next episode will be our Games of the Year announcement. Until then, we snark at Pewdiepie, and check some of the news ending the year. This week's news includes:
Steam Xbox One cross-play tools hinted
Americans can get Assassin's Creed Odyssey free from Google
Discord Store to offer developers 90 percent of game revenues
Inca announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
Let us know what your Game of the Year is.

Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Episode 356: Valve Running Out of Steam
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Valve continues to have problems in the wake of Epic (and now Discord) giving developers more of the earnings pie, as the year draws to a close. Meanwhile, T.J. explains his gamertag. This week's episode includes the following news items:
Developers do not believe Steam is worth it anymore
Canada announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
Studio Wildcard’s Atlas is delayed by a week
Rainbow Six Siege chat filter and toxicity update
Let us know what your favorite game of 2018 was.

Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Episode 355: Civving Up
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
This week's episode is full of industry news in the wake of The Game Awards. There wasn't many news items but there was plenty to talk about with the Awards, especially with this week's Gaming Flashback, Unlimited Adventures. This week's news items include:
Rumor: Starfield in trouble
Epic launching Steam rival
Maori announced as second civ for Gathering Storm
Let us know what you think.

GameStooge Lives!
This podcast originated on Gamestooge.com, which was shuttered a long time ago. On Feburary 26, 2010, the first episode was launched, and since then over 500 episodes have been released.
The regular hosts have included Jonah Falcon, Richard Elliott, Filippo Paris, Dan Quick, Jordan Lund, Paul Nowak, Scott Dirk and TJ Denzer.