
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Episode 318: Review Bombing
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
This week's episode is unremarkable. Don't expect any surprise guests or news, just a lot of chatting about comics and wandering way off the topic of video games. The news items for the week are:
Valve implements methods to curtail Steam review bombing
Matsuda insists Deus Ex not being discontinued
Star Citizen releases new video, makes another $500K in a Day
Kamiya wants to work on Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe remakes
Let us know what you think.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Episode 317: Letters!
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
This week's podcast was delayed in publishing thanks to the holiday week being more hectic than usual. However, better late than never, and there's even some listener feedback included! The news items include:
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is mobilizing for deployment in the west in 2018
Clicker Heroes 2 developer abandons microtransaction model citing ethical concerns
Rainbow Six Siege is getting a high-tech ninja named Vigil
Minecraft is adding tridents, shipwrecks, dolphins and coral reefs in Spring 2018
Let us know what you think.

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Episode 316: Rolling Ones
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
This week's podcast has been seriously delayed due to Jonah's computer going belly up, then having to deal with reinstalling everything. Not to worry, however, since everything on the old hard drive was saved. If that weren't enough, Jonah is enjoying his new Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition. The news of the week includes:
EA responds to community criticism of Battlefront 2 unlock system
L.A. Noire remaster requires 29GB, forcing Switch version to require MicroSD card
Physical media still "nation's format of choice" for video games, says eBay
Xbox One S available for lowest price yet
If that weren't enough, there's about 30 minutes of outtakes we're saving for the future as the gang talks about 2018. But that's for an Outtakes episode.

Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Episode 315: Naptime
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
This particular episode becomes a little sleepy as one host actually falls asleep during recording. Guess which one. After last week's episode only partially uploaded, the Gaming Flashback for Okami is actually an insert, too. The news items include:
It's a big week for new game releases on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Lego Dimensions comes to an early end after two years
Why Xbox One backward compatibility took so long
Ex-BioWare says Anthem is an example of EA's monetization plans
Let us know what you think -- without falling asleep first.

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Episode 314: Portal's Huge Success
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
This week's Gaming Flashback has no cake -- instead it's the history of Portal. The guys try to keep the podcast meme-free as they discuss Valve's first person puzzle platformer. There's also non-Portal related news items, too:
Chris Avellone may be teasing a new Fallout game
Street Fighter 5 will finally get an arcade mode in 2018
The SNES Classic has been hacked
Telltale patch removes assassinated ambassador from Batman: The Enemy Within
Let us know what you think in the Comments section.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Episode 313: Psychonauts
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
As the episode title would imply, this week's Gaming Flashback is Psychonauts, with Jonah revealing he's a total fanboy and backed the sequel for over $800. He also has no idea what Oxenfree is, since he hadn't played it yet. (He has, and realizes he was completely wrong about it being like Cabin in the Woods.) The news:
Captain Falcon was almost the mascot of the SNES
Hackers have already infiltrated the Call of Duty: WWII open beta
Assassin's Creed: Origins' non-violent discovery tour update wants to teach you history
Let us know what you think.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Episode 311: MissingNo Vol 1
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
For some reason, this episode was never uploaded, though it was recorded two weeks ago. The Gaming Flashback is Mass Effect, and the news includes:
After the fall update, development on Battleborn will cease
Every Nintendo Switch may contain a hidden copy of NES Golf
Divinity: Original Sin 2 boasts over 75,000 concurrent players on Steam

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Episode 310: Escaping Irma
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
This week is a week late due to various issues, but Hurricane Irma was not one of them, as Scott recorded his part of the podcast from Georgia, while Jonah and T.J. live far away from hurricane zones. In the meantime, T.J. goes from being disappointed with Destiny and being ecstatic with Destiny 2. This week's news includes:
Destiny 2 passes 1 million concurrent users
Half-Life writer posts possible Half-Life 2: Episode 3 plot
American McGee is ready to make Alice 3
Settlers of Catan is coming to virtual reality this year
Act 1 of Homestuck adventure game Hiveswap coming out this month (from PC Gamer)
Pewdiepie threatened DMCA takedown following his use of the N-word on stream
Okami HD spotted for PC, PS4, Xbox One
This week's Gaming Flashback is the original Assassin's Creed. Let us know what you think of the game.

GameStooge Lives!
This podcast originated on Gamestooge.com, which was shuttered a long time ago. On Feburary 26, 2010, the first episode was launched, and since then over 500 episodes have been released.
The regular hosts have included Jonah Falcon, Richard Elliott, Filippo Paris, Dan Quick, Jordan Lund, Paul Nowak, Scott Dirk and TJ Denzer.