
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Episode 308: Sterling Reviews
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
This week's episode is 50% longer as the first 20 minutes or so are devoted to the reaction to Jim Sterling's explosive review of Hellblade and his subsequent recanting later that day. This week has no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there are six news items to make up for it. The items include:
EA talks about Nintendo Switch support
Rainbow Six: Siege "Operation Blood Orchid" update launches August 29
Myth-inspired RTS Deadhold charges into Early Access later this month
No Man's Sky "Atlas Rises" update adds story content and "limited" online co-op
EA says Star Wars: Battlefront "lacked long-term goals”
Moons of Madness is Lovecraftian horror on Mars
Let us know what you think.

Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Episode 307: That Splat Ain't Mayo
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
This week's episode not only has a Gaming Flashback, but a Gaming History as well. The Flashback looks at the hardware intensive PC game Crysis, while the Gaming History looks at one of the bigger crowdfunding fiascos, Starforge. Jonah also reminds viewers that the "mayo" in the Splatfest for Splatoon 2 probably wasn't actually mayo. This week's news items include:
Lexington video game company sues after personal information posted online
New game combines monster taming and Stardew Valley
Respawn: "We're doing more Titanfall"
Destiny 2 will not offer customization of imported characters
Question of the Week: "What two games would you like to see combined?"

Thursday Aug 03, 2017
Episode 306: Jonah Bashes Zelda, Gets Snarked
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
This week's episode features Jonah being seriously critical of the Zelda series and getting the aghast reactions from his co-hosts (and probably the internet at large). The crew also discusses games on laptops and dreaming about the games they'd played. There's another Gaming Flashback this week, 2007's Game of the Year, Yaris. This week's news includes:
Night Trap 25th Anniversary Edition to haunt PS4 and PC players in August
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy spotted with Xbox One controls
Dragon Quest XI coming West next year
Assassin's Creed Origins director says game won't be on Nintendo Switch
The Question of the Week: "What game do you play most on your laptop?"

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Episode 305: Peggling Peggles
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Last week's episode was torpedoed by audio issues (who knows, maybe they'll come back in a outtakes episode), so this week returns with half old news and half new news. The Gaming Flashback returns with a vengeance with the classic Popcap game Peggle -- which came out while Gaming Podcast debuted! This week's new/old news includes:
Atari's 'PC technology-based' Ataribox will echo NES Classic, crowdfunding campaign coming
PC release of Classic action-RPG Ys Seven announced
Possible Xbox One X wireless module passes through FCC
New trademark sparks rumours of ‘Nintendo 64 Classic’ console release
Also, there's a Question of the Week -- listen in and let us know what you think.

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Episode 304: Nintendo's Lawyers
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Nintendo is the main focus of this week's episode, but we can't discuss the company too much or they'll sic their lawyers on the podcast. Other than that, there's plenty of safe things to discuss. This week's episode includes:
Evil Genius 2 in development at Rebellion
Nobody can find the source code for Icewind Dale II
Breath of the Wild players will learn more about Zelda in The Champions’ Ballad DLC
Where are all the Nintendo Switch game ports?
Also, learn about who won the contest, which was decided by the roll of a die.

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Episode 303: The Sims 4 Contest Part 2
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
The The Sims 4 contest is still going on this week, with the winner to be announced in Episode 471. The crew gets back to discussing news, but as is usual, it's a light week in July. This week's news items include:
Starcraft Remastered is coming in August in 4K
Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes spark pay-to-win fears
Only main player will progress in Far Cry 5 story
Destiny 2's getting rid of random perk rolls for loot and the response is divided
Nintendo Switch Virtual Console will be the only way you can play certain Super Mario games
Again, The Sims 4 Contest is only eligible for US entrants.

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Episode 302: The Sims 4 Code Giveaway
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
It's Contest Time, as Gaming Podcast is giving away a swag bag that includes The Sims 4 and some videogame merch from E3. Most of the 87 minute podcast deals with more E3 talk, and 5 minutes spend on news items. This week's news includes:
Everything known about the Ataribox so far
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered standalone release confirmed
Gigantic launching in July, escapes Windows 10
Let us know what you thought of E3 this week in the comments.

Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Episode 301: E3 2017 Recap
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Look, we're back, and as promised, the new podcast is now up and recorded on the final day of E3 in Devolver Digital's off-site space. Jonah and T.J. hang out near the Fable Fortune booth as they discuss the games they scoped out on the show floor. If T.J. seems a lot more chill than usual, keep in mind he's enjoyed a few beers by then.
Next week will see Scott joining in with his impressions of the conference from afar.

GameStooge Lives!
This podcast originated on Gamestooge.com, which was shuttered a long time ago. On Feburary 26, 2010, the first episode was launched, and since then over 500 episodes have been released.
The regular hosts have included Jonah Falcon, Richard Elliott, Filippo Paris, Dan Quick, Jordan Lund, Paul Nowak, Scott Dirk and TJ Denzer.