
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Episode 290: For Honor
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
This week's episode has T.J. raving about the new hotness, the multi-cultural action-MOBA game For Honor, while Jonah complains about the lack of attention paid to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. Scott, meanwhile, is playing Pillars of Eternity in preparation for the sequel. This week's news includes:
Nintendo announces DLC Pass for Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Bard's Tale remastered trilogy will be finished, promises developer
Sony axes PS Now for PS3, Vita
Microsoft teases Project Scorpio in E3 2017 press event
Let us know what you think.

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Episode 289: What's Coming in 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
This week, the gang ponder about the games that are coming in 2017, thinking about what they're really interested in. The games range from Mass Effect: Andromeda to Injustice 2, among other titles. It's a long rambling conversation, but at least it's hope. The Gaming History focuses on the folly that was The Capcom 5. The news items this week include:
Fallout 4 surpasses Skyrim to become Bethesda's most successful game ever
Rainbow Six Siege year two: free loot, better matchmaking, subversive operators
E3 2017 will be open to the public
The Question of the Week is "What game are you looking forward to in 2017?"

Monday Feb 06, 2017
Episode 288: It's Been a Fun Ten Years
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Back in 2007, Derrick and Jennifer Schommer, along with Don Dunn started the Gaming Podcast, with their unique sense of humor and take on the biz of video games (as well as starting a popular World of Warcraft guild.) The trio would move on, with Derrick starting his Everyday Drinkers podcast and Common Man Cocktails site. Jonah Falcon took over, and merged it with the Videogame Roundtable. In that time, we've had hosts including Jordan Lund, Paul S. Nowak, Dan Quick, Scott Dirk and most lately, the inestimable T.J. Denzer. We've also had guest hosts including Hilary Goldstein and the late Andrew Yoon. This episode celebrates the past 10 years, including an intro by Dan Quick and Paul S. Nowak joining this week's episode, to discuss this news:
'Father of Pac-Man' Masaya Nakamura dies at 91
Nintendo is gearing up for more mobile games, plans 2-3 per year
$500 million awarded to ZeniMax in lawsuit over the Oculus Rift
Asheron’s Call comes to a quiet end after 17 years
Let us know how long you've followed the podcast for!

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Episode 287: Rather Die Than Switch
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Gaming Podcast is back after the one week break, and finally truly weighs in on the announcement of the Switch - and aren't impressed. What does impress the crew is the latest addition to the survival horror genre, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, which takes the radical approach of being a survival horror game. They also ponder about how great a Zelda/Minecraft game would be.
The next episode will be Gaming Podcast's 10th anniversary, so longtime listeners are encouraged to write in.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Episode 286: Videogame Piss-Take
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Unfortunately, there's no Donald Trump in this podcast - you'll have to wait for an outtakes episode to listen to THAT discussion. However, there's plenty of news culled from the past two weeks to enjoy. The news includes:
Rumor: Beyond Good & Evil 2 Switch exclusive for first 12 months
'Game Mode' for Windows 10 will power Xbox One and Project Scorpio games too
Square Enix strongly hints at Dragon Quest XI heading west
Xbox boss says Microsoft will still "take risks" after Scalebound cancellation
Let us know what you think.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Episode 285: Goodbye Princess Leia, Hello 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
The year has ended, as the last podcast of 2016 was recorded last week, and released today. There's much discussion that was cut out and saved for a future outtakes episode. Regardless, there's plenty of show to go around, and the sound quality is also far better than ever thanks to Jonah getting a professional headset and mic. This week's news includes:
Nintendo registers trademark that could point to a SNES Classic Edition
Windows 10 may be getting a new "Game Mode" option
The next game by That Dragon, Cancer's dev is not what you'd expect
This week's Question of the Week is "What game in 2017 might you buy that you normally wouldn't?"

Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Episode 284: The Very Late Paul S. Nowak
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
In an hour-long epilogue to last week's landmark episode, Paul Nowak shows up for a guest appearance, and is very late. He discusses the previous week's podcast notes - and talks about his new job and Dungeon Keeper.
This is the last episode of 2016. See you in the new, hopefully less awful 2017.

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Episode 283: Game of the Year Awards 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
It's the landmark 450th episode of Gaming Podcast -- and the end of a very disappointing year in videogames (among other things) for 2016. These aren't your usual awards though - Jonah gives the "Best PS2 Game" award to The Last Guardian, for instance. It's an extra long podcast at almost 2 hours, so enjoy all of the banter. There's also news, of course, which includes:
Torment: Tides of Numenera and Yooka-Laylee get release dates
New Age of Empires 2 expansion out next week
Final Fantasy's 30th anniversary plans to be revealed soon
Let us know your favorite games of 2016!

GameStooge Lives!
This podcast originated on Gamestooge.com, which was shuttered a long time ago. On Feburary 26, 2010, the first episode was launched, and since then over 500 episodes have been released.
The regular hosts have included Jonah Falcon, Richard Elliott, Filippo Paris, Dan Quick, Jordan Lund, Paul Nowak, Scott Dirk and TJ Denzer.